Big Ideas
Happiness does not ultimately depend on circumstances, it depends on your mindset, and your thoughts. Life happens outside of your brain, but your brain is the center of how life looks and feels to you. It is how you process everything so what goes on in there is key to everything. 
You Find What You’re Looking For 
You will see what you focus on, if you focus on the red cars in the street you will see the red cars the same goes for happiness, the good in the world, etc. I think this is what manifestation really is, it is a lenses to put on life. It changes the world because you change the way it looks to you. If you focus on the good the good will get better, same goes for the bad, but if you take a step back nothing is really going that terrible or that amazing it’s just the filter you are choosing to see life through. 
Growth Doesn’t Happen Over Night 
You need to allow yourself to grow. Fruit will not blossom right when it is planted you have to give it time to grow. Change doesn’t happen overnight give it time things are working behind the scenes you cannot see yet. 
Let Yourself Live
Death happens to everyone and everything, you allow yourself to live when you accept the inevitability of death. The universe, god, whatever you see it as is larger, more complex, and intelligent than we will ever be. It holds the intelligence of everything it encompasses – accept that it is smarter and working in ways we don’t understand, trust it. 
Being Alone 
When you can find the peace in doing nothing and be ok with boredom and be happy alone with your mind you will reach true contentment. Allow yourself to feel every emotion and recognize them but don’t necessarily feel the need to dissect every single one. Simplicity is powerful. If your life is going ok, let it be ok. You don’t have to overcomplicate everything even if overcomplicating things feels like the most  comfortable thing for you. Let yourself feel uncomfortably happy – soon it will feel easier. 

Big Ideas in Less Words 
1. You can’t hate yourself into someone you love.
2. Don’t underestimate yourself, or sell yourself short ever.
3. What is meant for you won’t miss you.
4. Everyone is trying to live and survive in their own way so see the good in everyone. Be kind, forgiving, empathetic, and compassionate to everyone you meet.
6. Mistakes are human.
7. Be present with everyone when you are with them.
8. Love yourself, live life consciously and freely, things will not always be good but you can try your best to be. 
9. Intelligence comes in a multitude of forms never underestimate or downplay someone else’s ability to succeed.
10. Lead yourself while learning from others but don’t ever follow anyone blindly

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